
mamemo creates immersive event for Dubai’s newest mega-developer

To mark the entry of new mega-developer Oriental Pearls into the dynamic UAE property landscape, the company challenged mamemo to create a unique launch event that will generate interest from brokers across the UAE.

Oriental Pearls challenged mamemo to create a unique launch event that will generate interest from brokers across the UAE.

mamemo converted the iconic Armani Hotel Ballroom into the world of Oriental Pearls through its unique room-in-a-room concept that took the guests through a brand journey that began with the Presentation Lounge, a sleek room with a specially designed array of modular screens with projection mapping that powerfully upgraded the presentation into a fully Animated Speech.

The journey continued into the Networking Area, a stylish lounge that immersed guests in the Royal Pearls lifestyle, while they witnessed the dramatic reveal of the Masterplan.

Oriental Pearl

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