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mamemo productions creates historic celebration for the UAE Federal National Council

On the 7th of March 2016, the United Arab Emirates celebrated the voice of the people through a historic celebration of the 44th anniversary of the Federal National Council (FNC), which culminated with an emotional event at the Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

This celebration also marks another milestone for mamemo productions, which created the full concept of the event, from the event brand to the different elements of the project.

The celebration began with a Light and Projection Mapping Show from February 11-20, on the iconic architecture of the FNC building which told the parliament’s historic journey.

mamemo productions’ team also developed The FNC Journey Gallery, a showcase of multiple interactive installations designed within an anamorphic art tunnel. The Gallery is now part of the FNC’s permanent museum.

The finale of the celebration was The FNC Anniversary Event, held at the Emirates Palace Auditorium, which was attended by HH Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation; HH Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Culture & Knowledge Development; and HH Sheikh Abdullah bin Rashid Al Mu’alla, Deputy Ruler of Umm Al Quwain joined by previous members of the FNC and a number of diplomats.

mamemo productions, led by Managing & Creative Director Sam Katiela, designed a dynamic stage concept that combined projection mapped side screens and multiple LED screens that showed unique scenarios for the program.

The highlight of the show was a dramatic performance by a cast of more than 150 children and adults who represented the voice of the people as they gave tribute to the leadership and the work of the FNC through traditional poetry and dance.

mamemo productions is also producing the official commemorative book, which will be published in Arabic and English.

Federal National Council


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